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My F chord

Six strings and a few frets... thats all it takes to make music.. or so I thought.
It had been a childhood dream to learn a musical instrument. So, ambitiously I took on playing the violin at the non-too-wise age of 16… now the violin is one of the toughest instruments to play and I was no prodigy. Thus, my tryst with the violin ended in heart break. In years to come, I dared not pick another, “pointless expensive hobby”, plus I was too busy making my future to concentrate on anything else.
Then came 2009.. and with it the realization that I ain’t getting any younger. I had a list of things to do before I turn 25, and one of them was to learn a musical instrument. Hmm,so I started thinking ’I like the flute, but don’t have the breath to blow a balloon, and it takes me three puffs to blow out all my birthday candles, so that’s out. I like the guitar, and every one seems too be able to strum it and sing along How difficult could an instrument be if it allows you to multi task? Plus if Carla Bruni can strum a guitar, absolutely anyone can’ So it was decided that I would start learning to play the guitar before my birthday dawned.
Now it’s been a few months since I have been learning the guitar, but for the life of me I can not play the F chord. My guitar teacher, patronised me, cajoled me, encouraged me…and then one fine day just threw his arms up in frustration. In my defence I had given it a fair try, but well some things are not to be. So I told him, I will learn songs which don’t have the F chord, or better still I will be a lead guitarist who never has to play any chords, or play a chord which sounds something like the F chord. (frankly I thought theses were brilliant ideas) But that was not to be, since one of my favourite song has the dreaded F word.
It happens so often , tou like something , but you hate something intrinsic about it. You like the guitar, you hate the F chord.. you like pizzas, but you hate the like a movie but you hate the actress, you like your country but you hate the filth, you like a girl, you hate her mother.. you like a guy, but.. well you get the drift. But the bond is as strongest as it’s weakest link, a relationship is as strong as it’s lowest common denominator.
So I guess I need to work on the F chord. So what do I need to do ? According to my teacher, I need to put more practice, more strength, more ‘muscle power’ as he puts it. I think I need plastic surgery, I think I need an extra finger, or maybe longer fingers or something. :)
PS: blogging about your F chord, does not make your F chord any easier.


Unknown said…
Very well written kuheli... u brought back my good ol guitar memories n da F*@#in F chord.. even i've tried playin da F chord and it really very difficult.. and its even more difficult to shift from F another chord and back to F immediately... and da worst part is that all da good songs require da F chord.. da only alternative is a power chord... but still its pretty tough.. so keep practicin dear!
man, just learn the f chord in the bar chord manner i am sure u would find it easier nd i assure u the more u practice better u become ......when u r holding on to the chord just try to make all string sound clear ....nd then u'll see the change .....acually i started with jal songs nd here i am now covering joe satriani steve vai .......
nd don't tell anybody which song u r learning coz if u don't succeed in ur attempt u will feel depressed .......
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actually all "major" bar chords have the formation of the f chord initially,so u have to practice playing the f chord .....there r no shortcuts to become a guitar god u see.......becoming a lead guitarist is not difficult if u r sincere nd i am sure u have the passion ....u have to practice scales and modes etc...and sometyms the bassist asks u to play a combination including the f chord in middle of a gig so wot u'll do ???

actually i would be glad helping u with guitar theory as well as practicing exercises ......u can e-mail me ...
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