Watching sunsets have always been a kind of therapy with me, bringing into focus what are important, helping evaluate how the day has gone by, and more than anything to revel in the miracle that is nature. This is by no means my first ode to sunsets, read another one here but this one is different as in , this one is about sunsets I have been sharing with my 16 month old son. A couple of days a week, and sometimes even more frequently, I take my 16 month old son to the beach , to catch the sunset. It helps that the beach in question is a five minute drive from home, and a high spirited walking and playing at the beach helps him sleep deeper at night. Here are a few of my reflections on these precious moments I get to spend with him during the golden hour, of the sun setting in the sea. Buddha and the boat. He has recently begun to say the word ‘bu- da’ for the Buddha paintings at home, and while at the beach, we see a few fishing boats on the beach, and a