Caution : This article could possibly save lives. Yours as well as those living with you. Now that I have your attention, let us begin. In the past few weeks of social distancing, people have had to get self reliant like they have never needed to do before. And with every food delivery, take away, and restaurant in the vicinity closed down, and also cooks and maids being asked not to come to work, we suddenly find ourselves in the kitchen. Once the least used room in the house, now is a creative outlet as well as an experimental laboratory of sorts. Well, I am here to say that cooking a meal, is as simple or as daunting as boiling water. Thus, today we learn how to boil water , and it should help you prep; breakfast, lunch and dinner, and I guarantee, that with just this article of boiling water for different things, you will survive. This article is so important, you may want to print it out and stick it on your refrigerator, or on top of your stove top. How to Boil