Parenting in the time of Pandemic
Dr Kuheli Bhattacharya
We recently celebrated Mother’s day in Lockdown, and as
things stand, we might be celebrating father’s day in Lockdown aswell. By now
every parent has been asked – So, how is
it going , parenting in Lockdown? And on the surface this might look like
the most benign question, but I assure you it has layers and sub text and
nuanced understanding, like no other question about lockdown.
So, I will give you the short and the long version of my
answer to – parenting in these times. My short answer would be; “I think it’s going good, all things
Now, the key words here are ‘I think’ and ‘all things
considered’ . Because let’s face it, when it comes to parenting , ‘I think’ is not the same as ‘I know’ ; I think my child is feeling
secure and loved , and is being homeschooled appropriately, but what do I know
, right?
Will my child turn into a maths genius having played the
educational apps I downloaded , or will my child turn into an MnM’s addicted
monster child with guaranteed ADHD from binge watching TV all day?
The thing is, my parenting style has not been consistent
during Covid times. For the first few weeks , when lockdown was announced, it
was a time of ‘comfort over conscience’ and that meant more chips, and
icecreams, colas which never made their way into our refrigerator, was now an afternoon
special treat. After all, we too were best dealing with the upturn of our
routines, by indulging in our ‘ innocent sins’ , whatever made the days more bearable.
We were all coping as best as we could! But, as time went by, even the novelty
of these treats wore off, and we found our healthier routines, around 3 weeks
post lockdown. We were now painting regularly, playing monopoly, and baking
brownies. And then another few weeks passed by, and Goa was given the green
signal to ‘ease back into a post covid new normal’. And honestly , I am feeling
it the hardest part of parenting. All of
a sudden , I realised we needed to revise our alphabets, and mathematics.
We had a nightmare week of revising phonics “ what does CUP start with , kk kk ?”
We had a nightmare week of revising phonics “ what does CUP start with , kk kk ?”
“Mama, is it T ?” Exasperated and
overwhelmed, was the theme of the third phase of parenting in Pandemic. Which too, as I wtite this article, we are
slowly correcting. Our 3s and 5s have started to face the right way, after a
week of direction amnesia.
And then we come to the ‘all things considered’ bit, and
when you consider the number of things happening. One of our friends had their
first child, in lockdown, away from home, in a strange city, and now have no
way to return to their home in Mumbai, while they stay in their rented place in
Chennai. They say it takes a village to raise a child, but what do you do when
the village is social distancing? And another kid got the chicken pox ! and a
third family has a parent with a broken arm .. so, yes , all things considered
our glasses seem more full than empty.
Then ofcourse the added loss of maids and nannies, something
Indian moms considered their second pair of arms, suddenly we found ourselves
truly delving into ‘aatma nirbharta, when it came to the ubiquitous BJP, aka
Bartan Jhadu, Pocha.'
One huge gain for me, personally, has been the fact that I
now am wholly responsible for his food. With no maids , it meant I cooked all
meals, and that meant food espionage of the highest order. I could sneak in egg
yolks hidden within his dal rice, up the quantity of ghee. And with the absence of a nanny, he had to
depend on my iron clad hand to feed him , which meant tantrums, sure, but
what’s parenting a four year old in lockdown, without a couple of meltdowns a
So, what can you do to help avoiding a tantrum of your own?
First, take a step back, choose to ignore a few setbacks , maybe try and notice
what is going well and offer praise. Short bursts of play time, where you get
down to their level, and let your inner child take over, and when things get
bad, cut yourself some slack, press pause, reset and press play again.
Unicef has a wonderful PDF on guidelins for safeguarding
childhood in times of COVID 19. It talks about how to teach children about
budgeting during pandemic, with children putting rocks in a jar to help decide
what the family should be spending on right now, and it also helps parents
answer questions about the virus , like when will we get to go out and play,
and learning to say ‘I don’t know’ .
They also spoke in detail about cyberbullying and harmful
online content, and I felt that was timely considering the bois locker room
incident. Where, if you have been living under a rock, a bunch of boys talked a
lot of smut, about a bunch of girls , who were risquely dressed. As parents of
boys and girls, I can’t help but feel responsible for how both genders react to
the hypersexual world of internet, and how we can explain safeguarding privacy
and respecting another persons privacy, facing cyberbullying and falling prey
to content around violence, misogyny and self harm. And the pandemic seems the
perfect time to not only put in place some tech fixes to safeguard their
privacy, but also have that awkward conversation around not just safe sex , but
also communication, consent and pleasure.
These important conversations, are being discussed on parent
groups, and that’s been another big part of parenting in Pandemic; and that is
finding your tribe. So many helpful discussions around wicked to wonderful ways
of keeping children and parents entertained.
So, the real question I think is not what kind of children
our kids will grow up to be, but what wkind of parents we will become during
the lockdown? And again, the short answer is – I think good enough parents, all
things considered.
Here are a few useful resources for Parents
8 tips to reduce parent stress
Age appropriate play during covid
expert advice from UNICEF of parenting challenges during Coronavirus
Age appropriate play during covid
expert advice from UNICEF of parenting challenges during Coronavirus