I turn 36 today, and in celebration of being 18 years older than 18, I am writing my first ‘strictly above 18 ’ blog post. Statutory warning, this post has explicit content, and you may want to stop right here, if female sexuality is something you are not interested in, or are dismissive of it. But, on second thought, if you are NOT interested in female, or any sort of sexuality, or are dismissive of it, that might be the best reason to read this article, because I was exactly like that most of my life. As a doctor of Science, I understood the basic evolutionary importance of Sex, but as a hard core romantic, who binge watched Rom-Coms, I found the actual act underwhelming, and if put bluntly over hyped, and skewed to satisfy the men. Sex just seemed a marketing gimmick to sell Love to men. As a productive, enthusiastic, creative , modern woman , I didn’t feel that I lacked anything, in fact if you look at the infographic here, the cocktail of human happiness hormones...