I turn 40 today. And as I sit here, I am with one of the most precious gifts that I have been able to give myself. My consciousness of every single year over the past decade. Every single year , on the night of 16 september, I sit and right down what I am feeling , thinking, doing at that time. It is like that notch on the wall to mark time. A ‘I was here’ kind of mark . It started when I was 25 years old. And it gave me so much relief I started writing each year. Over the years it has helped so many others reflect on their life , and so I started sharing my birthday retrospect. Today as I leave my 30s and enter my 40s I printed out all my birthday blogs from the last decade. A decade of life. An entire decade of twists, falls, struggles – documented! A lot of tears have been shed in the last 24 hours as I read and remembered the last decade . 30 year old me – darling girl. Married, living in a rented home, working for a multispeciality corporate hospital. Oh girl ! In ...